Training under Vatsa’s guidance has been a game changer for me. Before him, I was always inconsistent and could not follow a fitness plan at all. I also would not pay any attention to my nutrition and didn’t know how big of a role it plays in my overall well-being.
Working with Vatsa made everything simple. He developed a workout program based on my needs and prior experience. He explained me the whole program in detail and how to execute it when I would go to the gym. He also made me a custom meal plan that was very easy to follow and would complement my fat loss journey.
The initial part of settling in this new routine took some time but after a while, I started seeing results. This motivated me more to keep going and push myself harder. Vatsa would always check on me to ensure that I was on track with my program and diet. Week after week, seeing my progress, he would motivate me to push myself harder and would make the workouts more intense and rewarding.
At the present, I am 15 kgs lighter and feel more confident about myself. I feel fit and happy, and I would like to thank Vatsa for that since he had a big role to play. He taught me how to be consistent and how to make this a part of my lifestyle.